
4 Tips for Google My Business Page Posts

In SEO, Tips by Strider Writing Team

Getting people to visit your site through a search engine isn’t easy. You have to spend hours optimizing your site for search engines, and then beat out all of your competition just to appear on the first page. And doing this is only half the battle – you still need to get people to click your link rather than someone else’s. Wouldn’t it be great if you could appear near the top of search engine results, and share information with your audience without them having to visit your site? Well, with the Posts feature from Google My Business, you can. 

Having a page set up on Google My Business is a great way to get yourself noticed. With one of these pages, your audience can quickly learn key information about your business, such as your location or hours of operation. But with Posts, you can take it a step further. Now you can let searchers know about upcoming events, or your latest deals, all from within the search results. 

To make the most of this feature, here are 4 tips you can use: 

Choose the Right Type of Post

The first thing you’ll want to do is choose the right type of post. Google offers you several options – including Event, Promotion, and News. Choosing the correct one for the type of post you want to create will help the post appear in the best possible format. Think about what it is you want to do, or what it is you want to promote. If your bar is having a karaoke night, post this in the events. If you’ve changed your menu, this might go under news, while a discount on that menu would go under promotions. 

Use a Good Photo

When creating a post, one of the best things you can do is choose a quality photo to go along with it. Photos are more eye-catching, and will draw the user’s eye towards your post. For example, if your restaurant is offering a discount on a certain meal, include a great picture of it. Your photo should be simple – don’t try to include too much – direct, and of a high quality. If you think a video would better suit your post, you can post one of those too! So go ahead and upload that photo or video of a previous karaoke night and let everyone see what a great time can be had at your bar. 

Use Actionable Content

When writing content, it’s important that you give your reader something to do. At the end of each post, you need a Call to Action. Something along the lines of “Call us today for more information” or “Set your appointment now” will tell your readers what to do. You don’t want someone to read to the end of your post and have no clear instructions on what to do next. 

Keep It Simple

Finally, keep your Google My Business Post simple. This isn’t a blog post on your website where you can go into a lot of detail for thousands of words. You have a limited number of characters for your event title, and only 1,500 characters for your post description. Focus on including the important details and getting rid of anything extraneous. Remember that your post will appear within search results, meaning you only have a few seconds of someone’s attention, so get in all the key points while you can. 

Start Using Google My Business Page Posts Today

Google My Business Page Posts are a great way to get information to potential customers without them having to visit your site. If you’d like to learn more about this feature, or how you can make the most of it, please contact us today. We’d be happy to give you a free consultation to discuss your business, including how a Google My Business Page can be of use. 

Google My Business Page Posts are an easy, effective and free way to promote your business, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity as soon as you can.