When it comes to online marketing, it’s easy to spend thousands of dollars getting your product or business name out there. Alternately, it’s easy to get so busy that you forget about marketing altogether, which makes your company virtually invisible to customers who may be searching for it. Fortunately, there’s a middle ground. While you don’t have to spend your entire budget on expensive marketing tactics, online marketing also doesn’t have to be something that’s difficult and time-consuming. In today’s web climate, there are plenty of ways for small businesses to market themselves without going broke or crazy. Here are …
Five Ways to Build a Great Digital Marketing Strategy
In order to be competitive in today’s market, companies and individuals need to develop and hone an outstanding digital marketing strategy. Sometimes, however, this is easier said than done. Too many marketers miss important markers like engagement and lead generation and fall, instead, into an unproductive gray area in which money is being spent on digital marketing but the digital marketing strategy isn’t producing the desired results. Fortunately, there’s a way out. By bringing these five tactics into your company, you can foster a better digital marketing strategy in the coming year. Here’s what you need to know:
Seven SEO and Online Marketing Predictions for 2016
As 2016 dawns on us, it’s natural to wonder what the new year will bring in terms of online marketing and SEO. Here are our top seven marketing and SEO predictions for 2016 and some tips on how to prepare for each of them: