6 Ways a Social Media Ad Campaign Can Boost Your E-Commerce Site

In Ecommerce by Strider Writing Team

Have you ever spent hours creating a social media posting campaign for your ecommerce business, only to see that you’ve spent most of your budget on content and boosts, and haven’t seen any return? If you’re tired of seeing inconsistent results and losing money on your business, you might consider advertising your shop on social platforms. Here are six ways that a social media ad campaign can give your store a nice boost.

6 Ways a Social Media Ad Campaign Can Boost Your Ecommerce Site 

1. Catch Your Audience’s Attention With Stunning Images

Using stunning, high-quality images in your social media campaign is a great way to capture your audience’s attention while they’re scrolling through their feeds. Brightful photos that are full of colour are more likely to be eye-catching.

You can incorporate images of happy people into your visuals to help your campaigns perform better. Since users scroll through feeds rather quickly, photos that pop are more likely to make them stop and click through to your site.

2. Track Customer Actions With Analytics

Are you getting tons of likes and clicks but not seeing any sales? Using tools such as Google Analytics, you can track traffic between your social media ads and your website to get an understanding of how well your ads are performing. If you are driving traffic that doesn’t convert, you might need to change your ad targeting.

3. Get In Front of a Laser-Targeted Audience

When you run campaigns on social media, you can use advanced targeting to ensure that your ads get in front of the right people. This strategy is beneficial for Facebook or Instagram, where most users go to socialize instead of shop.

If you target the wrong audience, there’s a good chance you won’t get many conversions. When setting up audiences, try to target specific, “long-tail” interests instead of broad ones like “health” or “running.”

4. Upsell to Current Customers

Many businesses make the mistake of only focusing on the acquisition of new customers. However, it costs much more to create a new customer than to keep an existing one. If you already upsell to customers using email marketing, you can apply the same principle to social media. With this strategy, you can use advanced targeting options to get complementary or new products in front of people who already have an interest in your existing products.

5. Turn Customers Into Advocates    

Social media ads don’t just encourage your customers to make multiple purchases, but they can also motivate your customers to become loyal to your brand by connecting with them on a daily basis. By turning an existing customer into an advocate for your business, you can enjoy the benefits of word of mouth and referral marketing.

6. Promote Your Content    

Content marketing isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind with social media ads. However, content marketing and paid ads can be a powerful combination when used together correctly. Promoting your content is a great way to generate traffic to your site, boost brand awareness, and convert cold leads. Content that is entertaining or educational provide more value and as a result, is more likely to get shared across networks.

Having a social media ad strategy can help accelerate sales of any online shop. If you’re looking to scale your revenue and see guaranteed results, contact Strider Inc. today. If we don’t get you the results you’re looking for, we don’t get paid!